Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas with Nene

Friday evening was Christmas with Nene in Henryetta. Nene was, as always, such a gracious hostess and by the amount of food there - she spent a week in the kitchen. The dining room table was filled with just desserts. We all ate well and Santa came early to Nene's house. Ty had a good time playing with the all the kids! I didn't get many pictures, but did get some of the kids and I added a few from September when we visited with Nene but never posted.

Jonathan and Cheyenne


Santa brought a Hummer!

Santa brought Stephen a truck too!

Ty with Nene

Peek-a-boo in the drapes!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Pregnancy Update

Today we had a doctors appointment for a peek to see how things are going. The doctor was unable to see us and therefore couldn't exam the findings so in a month we will really know how things are progressing. But, on my end - I'm feeling so much better than the months before! I have already moved into my maternity pants. This is happening a little sooner than I expected - a lot sooner than last time! I started to feel her move a week or so ago and I usually feel "something" each and every day! I'm so excited to share pictures that you can actually make out. The first one the tech actually wrote on the print-out that it was her fist and elbow. The second is a face shot, third is her spine and the last one she is doing a tap dance! She was so active, dancing all over the place. The tech really took her time to point out things and explain what everything was, this technology still amazes me!!! So, all that's left is to pick out a name.....a girl's name!!!!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Saturday we had our first snow of the season. Ty was very excited to see all that white falling from the sky, sure made it feel like Christmas! It didn't stick around so I'm glad he at least walked out in it! Some of you have asked about our last week during the ice storm. We survived and better than others. The news today reported some people that still don't have any power so I feel really very blessed. A week ago Sunday an ice storm hit Tulsa and we lost our power during the night. The temperature in the house was dropping about two degrees an hour and by lunch time on Monday I called Jason at work and told him we couldn't make much longer. With no wood-burning fireplace I felt like we needed to find some place warm and fast! I quickly realized that trying to keep a very busy two-year old underneath the blankets wasn't going to last and he really didn't want to wear 15 layers of clothing! Jason said that his Dad had power and so we packed up and headed that direction. It was a blessing because we really got to spend some quality time with "Grumpy" before he went to OKC for surgery. Tuesday we came home to check on things and still no power but came home to rotting food. So, in the dark we cleaned out the fridge and freezer to nothing. We tried to salvage some things but we eneded up throwing away a lot! Did you ever realize how dirty your fridge is until its completely empty? On Wednesday we came home to check on things and the power had come back on that evening. Hooray!!!! We ended up staying at Grumpy's house until Friday to help watch the dogs. So, just like everyone else I've lost a week and now its a mad dash to make-up for lost time, clean the fridge, get the laundry done and get ready for Christmas! I feel very blessed compared to some of the stories I heard and Sunday at church there were still 100 people there for shelter so I thank the Lord for keeping us safe and unharmed and Grumpy for having power and letting us set up camp!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Placement of the first Christmas tree ornament

A week ago Saturday we ventured out to find us a Christmas tree. We wanted to get one before the ice hit and thank goodness we did! We weren't able to get it all decorated before having to pack up and leave but we were able to get a good start! So, at Thanksgiving Grammy game Ty some presents early and he was excited to find out one was a "Bob the Builder" ornament for the tree. It was Ty's honor to hang the first ornament and we had to find just the right spot. And, believe me he tried out several spots to find just that right one!

Ty's cold is mostly gone - only an occasional cough and runny nose remain. As you can tell his nose/face was still so red and raw. This cold put us under for a week, he started to get better then the storm hit. He was somewhat getting better, the lights went out and then I got sick. So, after all the sickness and a week away from home - we both are on the mends.

"Boy-yo, Boy-yo"

"Boy-yo" is the universal word for lawnmower, tractor or really any type of construction equipment. Months ago there was a separate word for the mower and construction equipment but since, he's just combined them for ease. Obviously these are older pictures since Ty's wearing shorts. I believe this was October when Aunt Beth was here and Ty wanted to show her how he mows the lawn. He couldn't mow without his gloves, because Dada mows with gloves. These were just too cute, I had to share them.

Daddy's Little Helper

I'm a little late in posting these (okay a lot late in posting and taking any pictures for that matter) but several weeks ago Jason was ahead of the game and put up our Christmas lights while the weather was still so nice and I snapped a few. I can't tell you how exciting it is for me to have lights up on the house. Last year after Christmas, we purchased all the lights on sale and I stayed up late one evening and inter-changed bulbs so we could be ready for this year! Green and white lights, it just gives me a thrill to drive down the street and see our home all lit up! My job was to put the clips on and Jason's was to attach them to the house. Now, Ty had to have his job as well! Nothing simple held his attention and the ladder seemed to be the attention getter, so up he went with a little help from Dada!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


All treats for Bob!!!!

We started off on a little rocky start but after while Ty seemed to get the hangof trick-or-treating. At first, we'd walk up to a door and he would say "No, No, No", but a few times back home and watching the other kids he was soon saying "more, more" or "next, next". I was really surprised we made it to 8 o'clock (I'm sure the candy along the way helped!) and very happy with the turn out of his costume! He kept everything on the whole time and I only had to carry his treat bag off and on (only because he had suckers in each hand and couldn't hold the bag too!). He did great and came right in and said "sucker, sucker" - very proud of his treats and had to show Daddy! I couldn't have been a more proud when most of the people at the door or on the street commented on him, I too think he's the cutest Bob!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Punkin' Time

Yesterday we carved our pumpkins (or "pies" as Ty calls them). Ty was definitely more interested this year with the carving or maybe he just liked pulling out the guts and laughing at the faces Daddy and I made on our punkins. Ty's pumpkin was a little small, Daddy thought maybe too small to carve, but Ty insisted on Daddy carving it too - so here's our family of pumpkins, can you guess which one's mine and which one's Jason's?????

Friday, October 26, 2007

Lookin' Good!

We went in yesterday for a check-up and everything's looking really good. I know these are really difficult to make out, I myself can barely tell what anything is, but at least you have some sort of visual. The only thing the doctor could find on the hand held device was my own heartbeat and my stomach grumbling. So, she wasn't the least bit hesitant to bring in the ultrasound machine to check in on the baby. The baby was moving around like crazy and is developing all those wonderful things like arms and legs and the heartbeat is good and strong. She provided new options to help with all these crummy feelings but really, hopefully we are getting close to being over the "hump"!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Panning for Gold

The next stop was successful as we searched for gold! We all found some, but I think Ty was more intrested in playing in the nice, cold mountain water!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tweetsie Petting Zoo

We had a lot of fun feeding the animals. We only saw the goats, deer and pigs. If there were more we didn't make it that far because the goats were really hungry and the deer were just so sweet. Ty was a little apprehensive at first especially when they started to stick their heads (or in the goats case, squeeze their entire bodies through) through the fence and take what the wanted. The feed came in ice cream cones and if you got too close, they took it all! We've never gotten to feed deer at any other petting zoo so this was a real treat for us! Here's all our new friends!
Uncle Dick helping Ty feed Katie and Kevin

(hee, hee - I love all their heads sticking through the fence)

Katie must have been the most hungry!

There's Grammy feeding Bambi!

Too sweet!

Yummy, Yummy

Love all those noses

finished....onto the next stop!