Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sibling Class

The hospital offered a sibling class and we thought for $15 we would see what it was all about. Ty was first given a tour of the hosipital where Mommy would be staying and a stop at the nursery window. He was really excited to see two babies, one a girl and the other a boy. We moved onto the classroom where he was then given a baby and taught how to hold her, burp her, change her diaper and swaddle her in a blankie. Ty was all about the feeding part and the diaper part and did try all the other tasks but was quick to move on. Ty didn't even need instruction with the diaper, he pulled the old one off, took the wipe and cleaned her up and didn't need much help at all with putting the new one on! (I think we're going to have a great little helper!!!) After he accomplished something he wanted us to try it afterwards. He was the youngest in the class so I'm not real sure how much he was able to grasp, but I was glad he behaved and gave a good try and listened to the teacher. They played a video which covered a lot of ground with a silly, kid appeal and he didn't make a peep. And, at the end of the class all the kids were presented with a certificate, Ty's was for being a terrific big brother!
Yum, yum baby!
Here Dada, you burp her too!
He's not afraid to change that poopy diaper!
What a good cuddler!
Wonder what she tastes like?

Maybe she can get more milk this way!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ethan's Birthday!

Our good friends, Reid and Alissa invited Ty to their son, Ethan's birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Ethan turned the big 2! The party was held at "Bounce U" and all the kids just had a blast bouncing, climbing, sliding and just running around having a good time. Ty has grown up a million times since we've been to Pump It Up (another bounce place) and the last time we went I was having to help him up the slide and through the obstacle course. Well, not anymore......Ty just climbed up, slid down and hung on the ropes all by himself, he needed no assistance from anyone! Reid and Alissa just put together such a fun "Elmo" party and the adults, as much as the kids, just had a terrific time!
Ethan and Ty on the slide

No fear!

Cars go in the garage....

then you can move the whole garage around!

Ethan playing basketball!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ty turns 3!

Saturday we had a close, intimate family party for Ty to celebrate this third birthday! I still am trying to grasp the fact that my baby is three, growing up, communicating so well and becoming so independent! This last year has flown by and in just a few weeks our entire world will change yet again. But for today, we are still floating on cloud nine after Saturday. I know Ty and the kids had a terrific time and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! Thanks to all our family who helped us in so many ways to make such a memorable day for Ty - we love you! (And, to Jason who took all the pictures!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

In preparation

Friday Ty and I worked on his birthday cake! I spent a couple months ever so often asking Ty what kind of party he wanted for his birthday and every time he answered he said, "Mickey" - so "Mickey" it was!!! As most of you know Ty loves to help in the kitchen and I thought it was only appropriate that this time he not only help with the mixing, but he should get the gift of cleaning up all the bowls and utensils with is mouth - he loved it!!! He made a big mess and it was so worth it!
Side note on the cake: Last years cake was a not as I would have liked and I wasn't about to give up only after one year. So, this year I received some wonderful advice from a professional and my great friend Alli! Now, not everything went perfectly smooth and one ear was thicker than the other, but all in all I was pleased with the result! I'm sure each year I'll get a little better as I keep trying! These pointers, however, did lead to an easier preparation and a delicious tasting cake! I think Ty loved it and all his family did too! Thanks Alli!

Don't miss a lick!

I love that tounge!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Coming Soon....

Last Tuesday I saw the doctor and I am dilated to 1-2 centimeters. She told us to start looking at the calendar if we wanted to induce. She likes to do this a week to 10 days early but our only stipulation was that we wanted this baby to be born in May. We would like to avoid another April birthday at all costs and have decided to induce, our dates were between May 1st and May 5th. Not only were we debating a name for this child but the day she would be born. What big decisions!!!! We've chosen Monday, May 5th - that is if she doesn't decide she'd like to come early. So, stay tuned - we'll keep you posted!
Also, with much deliberation we have come up with a name as well. We are going to call her Laci Jordyn. I must say this was much, much more difficult this time around and I have a feeling that I'm not going to brake the habit of calling her "Sissy" as I have done for almost nine months now. We'll see.....
We appreciate all of your prayers over this pregnancy and hope that you will continue to keep us in them just a little longer as we reach the end of this journey and begin our the next! We love you all and are so fortunate to have such a supportive group of family and friends!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Beth!

Yesterday was Aunt Beth's birthday! We all met in Owasso for some great Italian food and a nice celebration! I think Ty was most excited as towards the end of dinner he was running circles around the table and the birthday girl! Happy Birthday Aunt Beth we wish you nothing but the best and we're so glad we could spend your birthday with you!

Tim and Aunt Beth

Tim, Aunt Beth and Ty
