Friday, June 27, 2008

What water can do....

As most of you know for the two years we've lived in our house we've had an issue when it rains. As Ty would say, "It rains in our house". Shortly after we moved in we quickly realized that when it rains the water seeps in the dining room wall, soaks up the sheet rock and runs down the wall soaking the carpet. The builder was quick to determine the problem, which they thought was a vent above the window. They bricked it in, rearranged the dining room, pulling up the carpet, tearing down the sheetrock, insulation and rebuilding our wall. The vent obviously was not the problem and we've continued to have water. The builder is doing right by us and is going to start over tear down the stone, replace the window, add more waterproof sheeting - rebuild inside and out. So, Wednesday it was loud in here as the masons chipped and hammered all the stone - so Ty and Laci didn't sleep well. Thursday, we had a hole in the house as they replaced the window and put up the Tyvek. Today, the stone was going to go back up but guess rained. You'd think the construction would stay at work, instead Ty gets to live and breath it right here at home - AGAIN - what a lucky kid!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Comforting Brother

I have been trying and trying to catch this on video and finally!!! I wanted to show you all what a good big brother Ty is to his Sissy!!! As you will see Ty likes to sing to his Sissy when she is crying....and ONLY when she is crying. He tries hard to soothe her with "his" lullaby and "Jesus Loves Me". I just think this is the cutest thing ever!

Friday, June 20, 2008

"Papa" or is it "Pampa"?

Looks like I've started a family feud! With all this talk about Papa, I thought I'd post a picture I found when we were unpacking of Jason and Papa and pay tribute! Over the last couple of days there has been a debate that everyone called Papa, "Pampa" except for Grammy and Jason. Jason begs to differ, so cousins Jan and Val are going to be called in for clarification. There is even a bet on the line so this is looking very interesting!!!! Now, Grammy brought up a very good point. She believes that the grandkids all called him "Pampa" when they were young and outgrew that and switched it to "Papa" when they got older. That could be very possible as Ty couldn't say "Grammy" for a while and called her "Gee,Gee" but then once his vocabulary came in he switched and now calls her "Grammy"!

I wish so much I would have had the chance to meet Papa. From all the stories I've heard he was the perfect definition of "Grandpa". He instilled a strong work ethic and responsibility with fun and most of all with love to all of his grandchildren. He took the time to kick the ball around and play but when there was a job to do you rolled up your sleaves and helped out wherever it was needed. You didn't question, complain or criticize - you just did it and in the end you were grateful for the lessons he taught you and the time you had spent together. As I have recently lost my Grandparents, I so wish I would have spent more time, I would have said I love you just one more time but I find comfort in that its only a matter of time that my Lord will come and get me and take me home to see Him and them again. So, I will get to meet Papa and hear these stories from his point of view and then we will see who's right!!!!

I love you guys and sometimes starting a family debate is really fun!!!

Jason and his Papa

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Storms...storms go away, come again some other day

I'm not sure about you guys but I'm ready for the storms to come to an end. We are getting used to hearing the thunder, seeing the dark skies, having the news on constantly and having an extra somebody in bed! I've been so tired, I'm getting used to having feet in my face or his head in my back. And why do I just squeeze myself onto that inch at the edge of the bed? I'm afraid I might wake him from his deep, deep sleep? I'm really due for a massage now! Saturday afternoon a couple weeks ago when a storm came through Jason saw the dark sky and tried to get at least the backyard mowed before the rain came. He knocked on the door with a suprise for Ty, after a quick mow Dada was back inside - good thing because look what came crashing down in the 70-mile an hour winds!!!!

Hello Mr. Toad!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This one's for Nene!

Nene got this outfit for Ty for his birthday in April and I've been bad, I only recently washed it and got it ready for him to wear. This is the second, maybe third baseball outfit she's given him and I believe there is a story behind the outfits. If I remember Jason's Mom telling me correctly, Papa (Pampa - for Amy), Nene's husband - Jason's Grandpa, used to buy all the grandboys a baseball outfit and Nene has so graciously carried on the tradition.
On a side note, last week Dada picked up free tickets at QT for a Drillers Game and took Ty. They had a "guys" night and of course, had a blast! They had jupiter jumps, played games, had hot dogs, ice cream, popcorn and I think they watched a little of the game too! I'm glad they had such a special night just the two of them!

I must share this smile!

Can you believe its been six weeks already? Our sweet Laci girl is smiling and I'm hoping its not just gas!!! I'm going to be better at trying to take more pictures and getting them on the blog for the few of you who come to visit! So, bare with me. Here's a few I took today. I tried and tried to get Ty to jump in them but of course, when I want him to he won't and when I don't have my camera he does! Go figure.....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

What a day! We actually got up and got everyone ready for church without major complications, but of course rushed right out without getting a picture of Daddy and the kids. We (really Jason) then went into another rush of preparing a meal and homeade ice cream for Grumpy and we then headed to his house to celebrate with him. We then celebrated a belated Father's Day with Pappy last night. So, please forgive my lack of picture taking - it just isn't the same as it was with Ty. I had so much more time to take them that go round!
I would just like to wish my husband a very Happy Father's Day and I hope you know how blessed I am to have you as husband and the Father of my children. You've grown into a great Dad and you're even getting better! These last six weeks I've been seeing a change and I'm watching you grow again. It's awesome to see your relationship with Ty get stronger and watch you bond with your daughter. Not to mention our relationship is getting stronger again as we embark on yet another chapter, and - how wonderful! The lazy days at home seem to have gone by the wayside and I don't recall you complaining once. You've seen the need for giving Ty special attention and have just jumped in to give it! As we dated, I knew in my heart you were the one, the Father of my kids and I knew that you were going to be a playful, involved, caring and compassionate Father and I'm only watching you become more than that! I love you with all my heart and I thank our gracious Lord for bringing you into my life and giving us these beautiful babies for us to raise. I hope you had a great day, I know I did. However, you did work too hard - hopefully next year it will be more relaxing!

Laci couldn't get enough of Alice!
Fun, fun, fun in the pool!
Bella and her babies!

Now, that's how you eat a hot dog!

The Martin men!

My boys!

Whitney and Alice!

Ty and Alexa playing "Ring and around the Rosy"

Laci talking to her Pappy

Kisses from Brother!