Friday, August 22, 2008

Just like Daddy!

It's in his blood and like his Daddy, Ty looks so cute in a hard hat! Jason's been putting a hard hat on his head practically since birth and it seems like finally after three years he can actually wear it and hold his head up! I snapped these a week or so ago when Ty was playing with his tools that Timothy gave him and he realized he was forgetting one very important piece - the HAT! What a cutie!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

All Grown Up!

Today was Ty's open house for preschool which starts on Tuesday. We went for an hour this morning to get to know his teachers (Miss Lori and Miss Lisa) and make new friends! If I remember correctly I think there will be nine boys and three girls in his class (the teeny-tiny boy pottys are going to be busy!!!!). A few of the other boys had some bad feelings and by no means felt comfortable. As for Ty, we are lucky in that this is the same classroom he has Sunday mornings for church. So, he walked in and headed for the kitchen as always! No problems....

His teachers are fantastic and have so many fun activities planned for the year. They even sent out an email tonight thanking us for participating in the open house. I replied to them both saying how it eases my worries and warms my heart that my baby is in such good hands each Tuesday and Thursday. Ty is making leaps and bounds in the "growing up" department which makes me so proud and so happy but in the same makes me cry that he's not a baby anymore. Ty will do great on Tuesday, it will be me that you will need to worry about!!!! He's ready and I'm ready for him to go because this fulfills one of those guilt things I have about not spending the time I want to with him.
I better get the fridge cleaned off for all those great works of art!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sweet Talk

Laci is making new strides all the time. She's holding her head up strong, kicking like nobody's business and she is all a chatter! When she starts her motor, she really gets it going! She talks, sings, giggles, blows bubbles and makes the most sweetest noises! I love talking and singing to her because I think she's actually listening and she talks and sings back to me. Here are some sweet noises I'd like to share with you all. Of course, its short-lived because Brother is being a little loud which startles her and makes her a little upset.

Ty's little red wagon

Grammy promised Ty a wagon when he started to keep his pants dry. AND, WELL HE HAS DONE IT - TY IS POTTY TRAINED!!! WOO-HOO!

Ty has been wearing big boy underwear for almost two weeks and has only had two accidents, and this is staying dry all day AND night! I just couldn't be more proud and more happy! I really would have liked for this to have happened sooner, but it wasn't up to me....we had to wait until Ty was ready. I have been actively training since he was about 16 months old, I thought if Amy and Jason were trained at 18 months surely I could do it too. Well, it wasn't for the lack of trying, he just didn't have that brain to penis connection. After Nana's big party, Monday Grammy took Ty to pick out his wagon and he's been in love since. We've been out first thing in the morning, before lunch and after nap. He loves everything about this wagon, especially for us to pull him through the puddles in the street and sidewalk. Today he's been taking "things" for a ride since Sissy didn't want to sit quietly and watch us. Grammy, the wagon is a hit - thank you so, so much - we love it and love you!