Monday, April 14, 2008

Birthday Fun!

Last weekend was cousin Bella's birthday party, she turned three years old! The party was full of fun, great food with family and friends. It's so hard to imagine these babies growing up so fast like they are, Bella is quite the young lady!!! Here are a few birthday moments!

Jason, Ty and Bella

Lexi, Alice and Ty playing ball!

Time for presents!

We hired the project manager to put together Bella's parking garage!

Alice, Ty and Kylie are all his subcontractors!

We are up and running now!

Alice with a mouth full of cupcake!

Ty stopping to say "cheese"!

Yes, those are high heels!

Ty played guitar and we danced!

Ty DRIVING to Grumpy's house after the party!

Two hands on the wheel, but he needs to work on keeping his eyes on the road!


Amy Collins said...

Looks like the party was lots of fun and I know Ty enjoyed driving! :)