Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Union Station - Kansas City

Weekend before last we took a family trip to Kansas City to celebrate Grammy's birthday and visit Larry, Amy and Ashlee. Amy planned a fun weekend for us which included the science center and railroad exhibit at Union Station. Ty and Ashlee didn't stick together much only because the years that separate them took them in different directions. So, I didn't get many pictures total but got less of them together but here's what I did take.

Dada heading in the tunnel after Ty!

I think Ty was more worried about the stamp coming off his hand!

Ty in the "topper"

Mama, Ty and Ashlee in the heli-"topper"

Loading up the coal!

If this only really moved!

Ty on the tracks!!!

busy building


Amy Collins said...

How did I miss seeing some of those things??? You got some good pictures. I WILL get mine to you.

Judy Martin said...

I missed a lot of these places, too! KC Union Depot Science City is a great place...let's go back! Love, Grammy