Monday, September 17, 2007

Mama Spider

Each day outside Uncle Dick and Aunt Mary's house was like watching the Discovery Channel especially when we noticed the wonder of new life happenings outside the breakfast nook. Amy and I were excited to see what Mama was doing each day. I normally do not like spiders and the thought of them gives me heebeegeebees, but when we noticed that this paticular spider wasn't going anywhere we figured she was setting up shop for babies (probably thousands and thousands of them). We were fasinated to see her intricate web weaving abilities and wondered why she was doing what she was. Her plain web turned into a zigzac web then we watched her (we think) lay eggs and roll them up into a portion of the web and then tuck them somewhere on her body. Fascinating to say the least! We were unable to see what happened after all this, but I felt like I had to share since we watched her closely for the whole eight days!!! Here she is, yellow and beautiful - if you can call spiders that (and as long as they don't enter my house!)