Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dinner with the whole gang!!

This week we met Grumpy and the gang for dinner at Osaka. Usually all the kids do great except this time Bella and Ty weren't up for the "fire". Minnie asked the chef if he could skip the fire, he said he would, but that didn't cut it.... Minnie then asked again if he could tell them "no fire" so they could hear it from him. He obliged with "no fire, no fire". It was a great dinner with the whole family!
Bella and Minnie

Ty and Mommy

The Martin Men (Dada, Ty and Grumpy)

The Cousins (Ty, Bella and Alice) making their wishes and throwing their pennies!

I love this one....Bella's pouty face, Alice posing sweetly and Ty ignoring me (as usual!)


Judy Martin said...

I hope Ty showed off his new chopstick skills...I know Grumpy would be proud! Love...Grammy