Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Boys and their games

Dave had a cook-out at his house Saturday. Here I was worried that Ty, being the only child, would be bored with nothing really to do. Well, I was wrong. Paulson had spent his free time (which isn't much since he just began his residency) creating two games he had seen at a NASCAR race in Texas. Hillbilly golf and washers. I must admit that the craftmanship on both really impressed me considering I hadn't ever seen or heard of these games. The boys gave Ty a job to do, he was to run down and gather up the balls after they had thrown them. It didn't take long for him to figure out whose color was whose and he just thought he was so cool, playin' with the big boys! And, as for the washers Paulson really took the time to explain the game to Ty. Throw the washer in the hole - now that's a game Ty could get on board with and he did - sat right down on it!


Judy Martin said...

Very aptly titled, Ginny! Ty does seem to fit right in...do you suppose he is advanced or are the guys.......not?

Looks like you all had fun!

Love, Grammy