Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ty and his Aunt Beth!

When Ty got up from his nap yesterday he was so excited to find his Aunt Beth here. (We've decided that Bethel is just too hard to say for a two-year-old so we've shorten it to Beth...which she goes by anyway, so that's easy! Now, he can say it - just sounds a little like bath - but we'll take it!!!) He proceeded to drag out every toy out into the living room so she could play with him and then of course, they cuddled up for some reading time (good thing Aunt Beth's a "reader" too!) And, then she brought his favorite thing for him to play with - her truck! Who knew he was ready drive??


hands at 10 and 2!

Mama, did you see me?

Okay, I think I see where this key goes

Yup, that's it!

Did I do that?

Yup, sure did - Woo Hoo let's go!

Thanks Aunt Beth for letting me play!


Judy Martin said...

Thanks, Aunt Beth for sharing your truck with Ty! It looks like you all had a great time.
Love, Grammy

Leanne said...

Look at those expressions!!!! So darling! Looks like Ty needs a truck for his 16th birthday...start saving that $$! :)